Root Shield Plus

Langridge Plant Sales now uses Root Shield Plus in all our 4″, Gallon, Basket, 4.5″, 6.5″ and 1204 production.

We have witnessed great success using this product. We have even noticed some carry over  in the landscape. It is a naturally occurring Biological Fungicide and is OMRI listed. Below is a summary of what the product does.


The next generation of RootShield® containing two active ingredients (Trichoderma harzianum strain T-22, andTrichoderma virens strain G-41), provides 3 months of preventative control of major root diseases including soilbornePhytophthora.  RootShield PLUS also controls diseases caused by Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Fusarium, Thielaviopsis, andCylindrocladium – with improved suppression of the aggressive hot-season Pythium (P. aphanidermatum).

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